
The following courses include core and some of the elective courses in the Advanced Certificate in Digital Humanities, offered through the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Certificate courses are open to all graduate students at NYU, and through the consortium to PhD candidates at other institutions.

Spring 2024


CEH-GA 1018 004  |  Spring 2024  |  Toussaint Nothias

Course description

In what ways do today’s digital technologies reproduce colonial power relations? Are these technologies merely replicating old forms of colonialism, or are they spearheading a distinctively new type of colonialism? Most importantly, what does it take to decolonize these technologies? Come and join this graduate seminar to read foundational texts in postcolonial and decolonial theory while engaging with the latest debates and research in critical data studies.

Introduction to Web Development

DHSS-GA.1122  |  Spring 2024  |  Jojo Karlin

Course description

This course provides a project-based approach to web programming and development. Students will study the principles of web design and each student will build two distinct websites based on topics relevant to their interests. To complement these practical skills, we will look at how the web has expanded our notions of discourse and explore how websites can be used for scholarly communication. A deeper understanding of these topics will help you make better decisions not only in your own web development practice but also in sharing your work more effectively.

Fall 2024

No courses are currently posted for this semester. Check back!