'Thinking with Moss' wins $50k NEH grant

Tega Brain, Ahmed Ansari, and Elaine Ayers's Seed Grant-funded project, Thinking with Moss, has been awarded a prestigious NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grant.


  NYU DH Staff

Ahmad Ansari (Tandon), Elaine Ayers (Museum Studies), Tega Brain (Tandon), and Laura Briscoe (New York Botanical Garden) have been awarded a prestigious Digital Humanities Advancement Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The project was previously supported as part of 2021 Digital Humanities Seed Grant cohort.

Under the title “Inverting the Wunderkammer: Rethinking the Digital Humanities through Botanic Histories and Archives,” Ansari, Ayers, Brain, and Briscoe will work to prototype new kinds of interfaces to theBotanical Society’s collections.