Helen Stec on The Brownies' Book Archive

2022 Graduate Fellow Helen Stec creates a record of early twentieth-century Black childhood


  Jo Suk

For her Graduate Fellowship project, 2022 Fellow Helen Stec created a digital collection of W. E. B. Du Bois and Jessie Redmon Fauset’s children’s magazine, The Brownies’ Book. The magazine was published monthly from January 1920 to December 1921, around the time of the Harlem Renaissance, for a primary audience of Black youths. Stec created the archive to make The Brownies’ Book more accessible to scholars, students, and the wider public.

“I’m most proud of my ‘exhibit’ (really a series of interactive essays) entitled ‘Children of the Sun: Centering Black Identity in The Brownies’ Book.’” says Stec. “Not only do these essays constitute a useful introduction to The Brownies’ Book, but they also direct readers toward particularly interesting/fruitful areas of potential research.”

Stec cites the help of NYU Data Services in the making of her project.

The front cover of the January 1920 issue of The Brownies' Book.