NYU Faculty Sibylle Fischer (Spanish and Portuguese, CLACS, and History) and Ellen Noonan (Archives and Public History) have been awarded a prestigious Digital Humanities Advancement Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for $139k.
In their project Migrants and the State: Unlocking the Potential of A-files for the Histories of U.S. Immigration, Fisher and Noonan will work to prototype development of open-source machine learning methods for making historical migrant records more accessible to scholars and members of migrant communities. The project grew out of a Bennett-Polonsky Humanities Lab focused on government recordkeeping and migration. A preliminary website using these records (A-Files: Record-Keeping and the Golden Gate) was supported by the NYU Graduate Fellowship program.
Noonan has also received an NYU Digital Humanities Seed Grant for another project, COVID Collections.
Congrats, all!