NYU DH Alumni

Portrait of Zach Coble
Zach Coble

Former Head of Digital Scholarship Services, Division of Libraries

Project: Digital Theory Lab

Portrait of Benjamin Schmidt
Benjamin Schmidt

Former Director of Digital Humanities and Clinical Associate Professor of History

Portrait of Jojo Karlin
Jojo Karlin

Former Digital Scholarship Specialist, Division of Libraries

Project: Wikimedians @ NYU

Portrait of Kimon Keramidas
Kimon Keramidas

Former Clinical Associate Professor in Experimental Humanities & Social Engagement

Portrait of Jo Suk
Jo Suk

Digital Scholarship Graduate Student Specialist

Portrait of Molly Rogers
Molly Rogers

Former Associate Director, NYU Center for the Humanities

Portrait of Ben Maddox
Ben Maddox

Former Vice President for Research & Instructional Technology and Chief Academic Technology Officer, NYU IT

Portrait of Elaine Gan
Elaine Gan

Former Visiting Assistant Professor in Experimental Humanities & Social Engagement

Portrait of David Hoover
David Hoover

Former Professor of English

Portrait of Michael Ralph
Michael Ralph

Former NYU Associate Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis

Project: Insuring Slavery: Underwriting Risk in the 18th Century