Petiwala’s dissertation explores the contemporary transnational processes by which Indian commodities and media circulate the Middle East, and simultaneously create and echo hybrid conceptions of Indianness, cosmopolitanism, and Orientalism. She is interested in understanding how the cultural consumption of India (as manifested in various products) in Egypt contributes to the signification of Indianness as a new kind of “cosmopolitan-orientalism.” Born out of a long process of engaging with materials found across the far recesses of the internet, this project is indebted to the digital as a site of fieldwork and as method. Over four years, she had collected hundreds of images, videos, text, speeches—from Egyptian yoga posts on Instagram to India by the Nile festival promotions to Arabic pop music videos mimicking Bollywood song-and-dance–as source material for this project. The DH Fellowship supported her endeavor to organize this data and create a preliminary website that is part-exhibition/part-archive that privileges the visuality of the sources but also now includes Arabic components (in navigation and content alike) that she had previously not had the chance to incorporate.