Sight/Site/Cite (S/S/C) seeks to create a digital hub dedicated to examining changing practices of Middle East digital scholarship which will gather, curate, and publish multimedia chronicles about the methods undergirding such projects. The aim is to engender and amplify scholarly exchange around changing digital practices and methods for humanistic research on, in, and of the larger Middle East. Our application is for the development and creation of the initial infrastructure of S/S/C. In the first year, six solicited pieces will serve as methods and practice-based chronicles detailing multi-modal and multi-media approaches to digital scholarship on, in, and of the region from a diverse set of academics. During the initial year we will build the S/S/C hub and plan its future expansion, establish an advisory board, host a roundtable at the 2022 Middle East Studies Association conference, establish a long-term partnership with the Kevorkian Center and its fledgling Digital Middle East Lab, and seek other potential partners and funding.